Thursday, October 7, 2010


1. Typically, the writing test Malay brothers and sisters are required to write two essays, the question one and question two.2. In question 1, the sisters were given two topics, then select one of the two topics are the question 1 (a) or question 1 (b). Question 2 will have no choice and are obliged to question.3. The time allocated to answer the two questions is one hour.4. For each question, a long essay must be not less than 80 words and not exceed 120 words.

The Type of essay,,,,
A. Essay format1. Official Letter Order Type2. Type of Informal Letter Order3. Essay type of speech4. Essay type of lecture5. Essay type of dialogue / Interviews / Conversations / Interviews6. Essay type of news7. Diary Note essay type8. Essay type of report9. Essay type Debate10. Invitation cards

B. No essay format1. Stimulating essays Pictures / Stimulus Words2. Composition of experience / story / picture / situation3. Composition of Fact / Description4. Essay File Type5. Composition of Complete Story6. Essay type autobiography / biography7. Composition of Proverbs

1. test your understanding of the topics.2. test the capabilities, skills and your ability to attract readers.3. examine the thoughts, opinions, and your ideas.4. examine the extent of your reading.

Before making an essay, we shall choose and understand the title or the requirements of the essay questions. After that we think is about:a) Introductionb) Contents-contents andc) Conclusion
A. Introduction
Each essay must have the opening or introduction. In the introduction we shall introduce a subject or topic that the reader may not know or understand. We must draw attention to want to read the essay. This identification is made only brief and general, sufficient three or four sentences. The opening essay is interesting will leave a positive and profound effect on the inspectors. Therefore, first make sure the opening of the essay should be clean of grammar or spelling mistakes.
B. Contents
Contents must be in compliance with such topics. Essays must have a four contents. Content is not why but it might lead to a lack of time. The contents should be arranged in an orderly and connected at one another. Fill-the content is broken down in those paragraphs. The contents of the main priority. Ideally, a content, except where the contents of a short paragraph-Short and closely linked. Every paragraph is not necessarily the same length. Maybe a paragraph is longer than the other paragraphs. This is because a main content is to focus the students are usually longer than the other paragraphs. Take care not to come off the contents of the desired title. Avoid to include content that conflicts with the title. The contents of the original composition must not be copied blindly from the other essays. To get a better and more content, we have much to read newspapers, magazines, articles, articles, story books, heard something, saw themselves and from their own experience. Do not mix up the contents. Avoid writing a content in the same paragraph. Record each fill before writing.
TipWhich method of finding content
Method I (the question) Method II (mind map)What?Who?When?Why?Where?How?

C. Close
If identity can affect or attract the reader to follow the closing essay should also give a satisfaction to the reader. Penutuplah that a conclusion / summary or ending an essay. In our opinion the cover is illustrated with a brief discussion or topic. Avoid sudden or complete composition depends. Therefore, the cover is also essential in every essay.