Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ChooSE yOur GooD Holiday ..........

wHat You Can DO iN hOLIDays?????

School holidays it was great for all students to perform various activities. Therefore, the school holidays would be more meaningful if it is filled with articles and activities useful. This is to avoid the negative things, such as wandering aimlessly, illegal racing and drug abuse.

So WhAT ActiVities YoU cAN do IN hoLIDAys????????????????????  

 It's suggestion  is:::

Make Small Garden


Camping With Your Family oR Friends

Jungle Tracking with family or Friends


Go To MuzIum with your family

Go To PetroSains At KLCC
WhaT ArE aDVaNtAGE With All This SuGGesTioN fOR yOU??????????

1) Make small Garden
*no spending more money
*can get income and you can use for eat itself (vegetables)

2)Camping With Your Family or Friends
*More get experience camping in the jungle
*more enjoying with your family and friends
*enjoying in jungle and green environment and free from  busy streets and smoke.

3) Jungle tracking
                                                              *to appreciate the beauty of nature
                                                                 *recognize the nature up close.

                                                                     4)  Museum 
                                                           *can see the remains of historical items.
                                                           *Can now about history that have to show in monumen

                                                       5) Go To PetroSains
                                                     *Can look about science likes technology
                                                   *add our knowledge

(6) etc.............................................................

For Example essay that you can look about holidayyyyyyyy>>>>>>>